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1969~ Tokyo Metropolitan Antipollution Regulation
Tokyo has worked on the progressive pollution control ordinance earlier than the nation to deal with public environmental hazard, especially air contamination throughout Japan.

2000~ Tokyo Metropolitan Ordinance on Environmental Preservation
Tokyo instituted the CO2 emissions management program which requires intensive CO2 industries and offices report their amount of emission. This program has been the base of the global warming countermeasures conducted by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.

2004 Green Power Purchasing System
Tokyo introduced the system to purchase electricity from renewable sources. This is the first system among local governments in Japan that utilized the scheme for electricity consumers to boost the use of renewable energy by creating high market demand for green power.


2006 Tokyo Metropolitan Renewable Energy Strategy
Tokyo aims to achieve 20% share of renewable energy in the total energy use in Tokyo by 2020. Tokyo adopted the “pull-demand” concept to increase the renewable energy use by growing the demand rather than the supply which used to be the focal point of renewable energy market, demonstrating effective renewable energy policies of cities.

2007 Tokyo Metropolitan Climate Change Action Plan
Tokyo has launched the leading climate control policies over national policy by adopting emissions trading, CO2 reducing obligation based on its own standard, and a one-million kW solar energy promotion project.

2008 Amendment of Tokyo Metropolitan Ordinance on Environmental Preservation
Tokyo revised the Tokyo Metropolitan Ordinance on Environmental Preservation to put forth the Tokyo Metropolitan Climate Change Action Plan.

Left: Asaka Water Treatment Plant equipped with PV solar system (1200kW)
Right: Tokyo Kazaguruma (Tokyo Marine Wind Turbine, 850kW×2 Units)
(Source: Tokyo metropolitan Government)


2009~ Commencement of support measures to dramatically expand the use of solar energy

2010~ Introduction of compulsory total emission reduction for large-scale CO2 emitters Introduction of emissions trading

2020~ Target Achievement

Target Achievement

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

25% reduction by 2020 (base year 2000) (Tokyo Metropolitan Climate Change Action Plan)

Renewable Energy

20% of total energy use by 2020 (Tokyo Metropolitan Renewable Energy Strategy)

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