Miyagi Prefecture
CO2 target
Established year | Target | Target year | Base year | Ordinance, plan, program |
2004 | 7.29t-CO2/capita | 2010 | 1990 | Miyagi New climate change action plan |
Renewable energy target
Established year | Target | Target year | Base year | Ordinance, plan, program |
2005 | 714,000kl | 2010 | − | A basic plan to promote renewable energy and energy saving |
Concrete measures on climate change and renewable energy
項目 | 有無 | 内容 |
Subsidy for PV | - | - |
Climate change plan | - | - |
RE & EE plan for new building | - | - |
Others | - | - |
Division in charge of climate change measures :
Environmental Policy Planning Division, Environmental and Lifestyle division
Corporation with other divisions :
working with other divisions.
Other climate change measures :
Action plan for zero CO2 emissions in Miyagi