Shimane Prefecture
CO2 target
Established year | Target | Target year | Base year | Ordinance, plan, program |
FY2005 | -28% | FY2010 | FY1990 | Shimane climate change action plan |
Renewable energy target
Established year | Target | Target year | Base year | Ordinance, plan, program |
FY2008 | PV: 18,000kW, Wind: 180,000kW, biomass heat: 12,000kl, Biomass power generation: 6,200kW, Solar heat: 19,000kl [FY2015]PV: 28,000kW, Wind: 270,000kW, Biomass heat: 1,500kl, biomass power generation: 7,800kW, Solar heat: 25,000kW, etc. | FY2010 | − | Shimane new energy action plan |
Concrete measures on climate change and renewable energy
項目 | 有無 | 内容 |
Subsidy for PV | √ | √ |
Climate change plan | - | - |
RE & EE plan for new building | - | - |
Others | - | - |
Division in charge of climate change measures :
Environment Policy Division
Corporation with other divisions :
Established "Municipal Promotion Committee" to communicate with related divisions to achieve the targets of Shimane climate change action plan
Other climate change measures :
Started promoting "Shimane CO2 Diet Strategy" in August 2008.